Predicting Agricultural Output Value with a "Discount" Seasonal Index Method 用折扣季节性指数法预测季度农产值
In Sanming and Ningde, the seasonal concentration index ( R) was high est, and the lowest R appeared in Xiamen. 三明和宁德的R值(季节集中指数)最高,而厦门R值最低。
Forecasting 10086 Traffic Based on Seasonal Index Trend Method 基于季节指数趋势法预测10086话务量
In the seasonal frost regions, more attention is often paid to frost heave index in the aspect of prevention and cure of roadbed frost damage. 在季节冻土地区,防治路基冻害问题,强调较多的往往是室内冻胀指标,而对融沉指标考虑的较少。
Comparative Study on Calculation Methods of Seasonal Index for Outpatient Volume in a Hospital 某医院门诊量季节指数计算方法探讨
Seasonal commutation replace eternity is changeless, and the index of tide always is metabolic multiterminal however. 季节的变换更替永恒不变,而潮流的指标却总是变化多端。
Analysis of spatio-temporal characteristic on seasonal drought of spring maize based on crop water deficit index 基于作物水分亏缺指数的春玉米季节性干旱时空特征分析
Study on Calculating Method of Seasonal Index for Railway Passenger Traffic Volume 铁路客运量季节指数计算方法研究
Analysis of Seasonal Drought Applying Z-index Method in South China 应用Z指数方法判断南方季节性干旱的结果分析
Then the seasonal index of every month is obtained by using the statistics tool to analyze the seasonal fluctuation of BFI. 结合统计分析工具分析BFI的季节性波动规律,得到每月的季节指数。
The seasonal variation index ( SVI) is used to fit the seasonal trend of power load. 季节变动指数(SVI)用来拟合电力负荷的季节性趋势。
The data processing includes map projection transformation, image enhancement both on contrast stretch and image sharpening, color balance adjustment, cloud removing, separated processing of land and sea, modification of image seasonal aspect with vegetation index image and mosaic. 本图制作时实施的数据处理内容包括:地图投影变换、影象反差增强和锐化、彩色平衡调整、去云处理和海陆分离处理、利用植被指数原理的影象时相修正和数字镶嵌操作等。
The GSVI ( 1,1) model is the combination of gray system and seasonal variation index, which can solve the complex uncertain problems. 模型是将灰色预测方法与季节变动指数有机结合起来,对复杂的不确定性问题进行求解所建立的模型。
This paper proposed gray seasonal variation index model GSVI ( 1,1) for forecasting of electricity demand in order to improve the forecasting accuracy of short-term electricity demand. 为了提高短期用电量的预测精度,提出了用电量预测的灰色季节变动指数模型&GSVI(1,1)模型。
Seasonal Climate Characteristics of City Air Pollution Index in Hunan Province 湖南省城市空气污染指数演变的季节气候特征
Application of prospective approach of seasonal index number in the administration of psychiatric hospital 季节指数预测法在精神病医院管理中的应用
The paper proposes the improved model of GM ( 1,1) model which is called GSI ( 1,1). GSI ( 1,1) model is the combi-nation of grey system and seasonal index. 提出灰色GM(1.1)用电最预测模型的改进模型&灰色季节变动指数模型GSI(1,1)模型,将灰色预测方法与季节指数有机结合起来。
Surface albedo and vegetation index over Heihe experimental area in January, April, August and October are derived from NOAA 10/ 11 AVHRR data. Seasonal variations in surface albedo and vegetation index are discussed over the different underlying surfaces. 本文利用NOAA10/11AVHRR资料得到了黑河实验区1,4,8,10月地表反射率与植被指数的分布图,并讨论了不同下垫面地表反射率与植被指数的季节变化特征。
In a seasonal index research on a market fluctuation basis, analyzes the seasonal fluctuation of air-passenger market and air cargo market from 1997 to 2001, and in accordance with the seasonality of the market, raises some suggestions for a rational production arrangement and capacity adjustment. 运用季节指数分析方法,对1997&2001年间中国航空旅客运输市场和航空货物运输市场的季节性变动进行分析,并提出了根据季节变动规律合理组织生产和调配运力的建议。
According to the seasonal aridity index. Fujian climate has been divided into six climatic patterns in humidity: humid throughout the year, dry in summer-autumn winter, dry in autumn-winter, dry in summer-autumn, dry in summer, and dry in autumn. 最后用季干燥度将全省分成全年湿润、夏干、秋干、夏秋干、秋冬干和夏秋冬干六种气候类型。
And the variation of the night-time outpatient quantities was studied with seasonal-index. 探讨了夜间门诊量的季节指数变动规律;
The suitable sub-region schemes are seeked for the study of different seasonal precipitation in China using the difference index method of interclass and intraclass average correlation coefficients in the dynamic analysis cluster process. 利用动态分析分层聚类过程中组内和组间平均相关系数的差异指标法,为不同季节降水研究找到了适合的分区方案。
An Empirical Study on Seasonal Adjustment Method of Residents Consumer Pricing Index 居民消费价格指数季节调整实证研究
Owing to agricultural modernization extensive contents, regional and dynamic characters, it's important to select a seasonal and suitable index system to evaluate the level of agricultural modernization in various areas or during different periods. 农业现代化涉及内容广泛,带有很强的地域性和动态性,评价不同时期、不同地区农业现代化发展水平时,需要一套应时、应地的合理的指标体系。
But all of our time series with seasonal factors have not been seasonally adjusted. One of the main methods to remove incomparability of seasonal factors is using the index over the same period of last year. 目前我国所有具有季节因素的时间序列均没有进行季节调整,消除季节之间不可比因素的一个主要方法仍是与上年度同期数据进行比较得到的同比指数。
Seasonal change of diet composition: schoener overlap index and k-w test show that there are no significant differences in each season, developmental stage and sex. 食物组成的变化:Schoener重叠指数和k-w检验显示不同季节、发育阶段、性别间的食物组成无显著性差异。
The fourth chapter used the seasonal ARIMA model to fit and forecast in Shandong Province monthly price index data. 第四章利用季节ARIMA模型对山东省物价指数定基月度数据进行拟合,并进行预测。
Meanwhile, there were apparently seasonal changes in total of species, index of Shannon-Wiener and index of evenness. The biodiversity and index of evenness were lower in spring and winter than in summer and autumn. 同时,还发现群落的Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数等生物多样性指数的季节性变化明显,春季和冬季的多样性较低,夏季和秋季较高。